6 Steps To Start Your Day Off Positively and Primed for Success

Dear good people.

Hie again.

I read a book by Robert Kiyosaki titled “Change Your Life Before Breakfast”.

In it, Robert states the 6 steps that can help you change your life, so I thought I should just share with as a Summary.

1. Clear Your Mind (Meditate)

In this step, Roberts says: Shut down the world. Shut down all the existing noise. This noise includes, phones, news, your inner voice.

Meditation will give you a centered start to your day for the other 5 steps. This however takes practice. Therefore, you will really need to do this everyday.

2. Say It (Affirmation)

We all hear motivation speeches that tell us to make affirmations. They keep stating out saying: tell yourself that; “I am rich”, “I am healthy.” That is okay, but don’t say them as lies as most people do.

Make affirmations with action. He says; Instead of saying “Money flows to me effortlessly”, Say “I’m committed to earning X amount by doing Y action everyday by Z date.”

In so doing, this no longer is wishful thinking, it’s now an actionable plan.

3. See It (Visualization)

Just as affirmations, don’t make Visualization so general.

Think of the steps and then visualize those instead.

Don’t visualize the outcome of the Goal. Visualizing the outcome is like make a New Year’s resolution. Nobody sticks to it through out the year.

You have to visualize the steps that will contribute to you achieving that Goal, be as specific as possible when Visualizing those steps.

You have to see yourself doing it in your mind, and it will be that much easier to accomplish in real life because you’ve already prepared your mind.

4. Move It (Exercise)


You have to get your body moving. You might be that person who enjoy hitting the GYM in the evening, well, this is about starting your day. You need to Exercise every morning.

Morning Exercise gets the oxygen and blood flowing and releasing endorphins. This positively affects the quality of the rest of your day.

Just do some sort of exercise in the morning. Push Ups, Stretches, Jog, etc.

5. Become a Bookworm (Read)

Read Books.

We are not talking of Novels here, or any other Fictional books.

You need to read books that help you develop the skills, mindset, and wisdom to improve in areas of your life.

You do not exactly need an hour to read before heading to work. Spend 10 mins immersed in the book and then move on with the next step.

You are not changing your life in one morning but building a neural pathway to creating the kind of habits that propel you to your goals.

If you are struggling to get through a book, change and get a different book. Authors approach the same topic in different. Maybe the one you are reading is not of your comfort approach.

6. Write It Down (Journal)

Writing your thoughts and intentions has a power. Seeing something in ink makes it real.

There are two approaches to this.

1. Write what you want to **Accomplish**.
2. Write about what you're **Grateful** for.



The power of these steps is doing them every single day and in combination. Don’t just do 2 steps on one day, and the 4 steps the other day. No! Do all 6 steps everyday. Even if you can spend just 2 mins per step. That’s great. You are programming your brain.

Doing them for just one morning, or even a few days in a row, isn’t going to dramatically change your life. Do then everyday for 21 days straight or, even better, for 30 days.

Doing all these 6 practices will change other parts of your day.

How You Start Your Day Determines How The Rest of Your Day Will Go.

Remember: It’s not up to the world to change to make your life better. You have to do the changing.

Forget a tough economy or a competitive market. You have to work on yourself and make the you want to see.

Review 1. Clear Your Mind (Meditation) 2. Say It (Affirmation) 3. See It (visualization of steps in details and training your brain to accomplish them.) 4. Move It (Exercise) 5. Become a Bookworm (Read) 6. Write It Down (Journal: Record specifics of what you want to accomplish or of what you are grateful for.)

Initially from Cashflow Technologies, Inc.

[…to be continued]: To my people who read this before I finished it, I said I will continue explaining Step 3, 4, 5, and 6 soon good people. Yeay..!! We did it. This is the final piece.

Stay Blessed!!!

The Power of a Clean & Simple Personal Blog

A personal blog is your digital portfolio. Ready made for your next employer, client, or partner.

It is your digital resume. Let is shine. Let it stand out. Make it clean and simple.

Avoid piling it up with bouncing objects/ effects, and fancy pictures all across, unless you are portraying your graphic design skills, this is not necessarily needed.

Now, where does the power effect come from?

From the simplicity of the website. From the static part of it.

    Did You Know?
    This website is a static website with an admin interface to let me add Dynamic Blog posts to it.

Gone are the days when static was dull. Static is the new Web Dev. cool.

PS:/ Don’t go static for complex web apps, but, Go static for your Personal Blog to have all the POWER.

Your guy, Jacob

Who Will You Inspire?

Inspire someone today.

Change their lives without even knowing you are doing so.

Inspiration comes in various ways. They may be inspired simply because they saw you help out an old lady cross the road. Maybe because they saw you pick up a coke can on the roads and put it in the street trash bin. Who said you have to speak out loud to inspire a soul?

Just by writing this simple short article someone else will get inspired. It may not be you, but I know someone will.

I will write again soon. Be a part of me. Come back to this website tomorrow for another article.

Much Love. Jacob